Saturday, June 7, 2008

One Prayer Prayer

I was wondering about this from you...if you could pray one prayer for the church at large, what prayer would you pray? Mine is, "Lord, make us focused." I will preach a sermon surrounding that tomorrow morning. But I really am curious, what prayer would you pray?

By the way, here is our line-up of speakers/churches for the One Prayer series at our maximize the experience, we will also be listening to speakers during most of the Sundays during our Sunday School hour as well...

One Prayer Week 1:

Worship - Mike Demastus (Fort Des Moines Church of Christ) - "Make us Focused"
Sunday School - Dino Rizzo (Healing Place Church - Baton Rouge, LA) - "Make us Generous"

One Prayer Week 2:

Worship - Craig Groeschel ( - Oklahoma City, OK) - "Make us One"
Sunday School - Father's Day Gathering

One Prayer Week 3:

Worship - Perry Noble (Newspring Church - Anderson, SC) - "Make us Dangerous"
Sunday School - Wayne Cordeiro (New Hope Christian Fellowship - Honolulu, HI) - "Make us Wise"

One Prayer Week 4:

Worship - Mark Beeson (Granger Community Church - Granger, IN) - "Make us Courageous"
Sunday School - Mark Batterson (National Community Church - Washington D.C.) - "Make us Dreamers"

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