Wow! What an amazing experience. I had the opportunity to speak to over 70 Sr. High students at Central Iowa Bible Camp. It was really great and these were an awesome group of students.
On the first evening I spoke at campfire, at the conclusion of my message we challenged the young people to make a decision for Christ themselves, to rededicate their lives to Christ or to get courage to share their faith with someone who needs Christ.
As they quietly left campfire, they were each handed an unlit glowstick. Then they went out and sat quietly by themselves on a dark hillside. When they had come to a decision, they were to light their glowstick and bring it to a cross and hang it there. That was a really cool thing to see. Here's what the cross looked like that night...
Another very cool part of the experience was that on the campground there had been placed a very old Ford F-150 Pick-up Truck. The youth were challenged all week to write their sins anywhere on that truck with Sharpie pens. They did. They shared things like struggles with sex and smoking pot and cutting themselves and suicidal thoughts...anything and everything you can imagine, they wrote it. It was pretty cool.
They didn't know what was going to happen to the vehicle though. Well, on Thursday night, they saw what it is that God does with our sins in the most dramatic of illustrations. Look at the next few pictures in succession and you will see what they witnessed.
After this, the kids all came forward and picked up pieces of the truck to take home as a momento...something I am sure they are never going to forget. God takes our sins from us as far as the east is to the west. He literally crushes it out of our life! That was a lot of fun!
I told them I would post their picture here on my blog. Here they are, this picture was taken just before I began speaking to them the second time.
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