Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My Encounter Journey (Day 10)

Today's Scriptures are Romans 8:18-28. This is a very encouraging passage. What is awaiting us in heaven is far better than what is messing up our lives here on earth. My wife has always told me that it would be great if I could experience some of the things that only women experience, but apparently, Paul says I somehow am. The earth is groaning like it is in labor. And we are doing the same thing. We are groaning with a hope that heaven is better than earth (it's got to be)...with the expectation that we will be adopted as a very child of God.

We are groaning like we are in labor when we experience those situations when we know we should pray, but we have no idea how or what to say because the complexity of the situation we are facing is overwhelming. Then God steps in for us through His Spirit and takes over for us.

I see that as kind of like how I am teaching my oldest son to drive right now. There have been a couple of things he faced as we were learning to drive (far away from all civilization, mind you) that he wasn't sure what to do, if he should brake or push the gas...if he should turn left or right. He just didn't know. So I took over for him. I got him through that difficult part.

That's what our heavenly Father does for us. He steps in and takes the wheel sometimes for us. That is an awesome thing. (Except I am glad God only does this for us through our prayers and not while we are driving because that would be one could see anybody behind the wheel and that could cause an accident.)

The best of the best of the best of this section in Romans is verse 28. What ever crap you walk through, whatever horror movie your life seems to be turning out to be, whatever giant blocks your pathway...God will turn that completely around. Now, He doesn't say how long that will take (because most of the time it can't happen fast enough for us.) But He does say it will happen. That means no matter how bad it gets, it will get better. God promises this, but it is only for those who are fully devoted followers.

"Lord Jesus, thank you, thank you, thank you. You are an awesome, wonderful, loving and Holy God. A God who helps us even though we don't deserve to be helped. Thank you for your goodness, your kindness, your grace. I love you, Lord. I love it that I am your precious child. In Jesus' Name."

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