Monday, December 1, 2008

Putnam Christian Church

From 1993 to 1998 I preached at a little country church in Putnam, IL called Putnam Christian Church. The church building was built in 1866. It is a very beautiful little building that has a real fond place in my heart. The people there were very gracious and patient with me while I was just beginning in ministry. They endured some real bonehead sermons from me. They basically watched me grow up as a minister.

I love that place and I still love those people. While I was back in IL over Thanksgiving we drove over there and I saw the building again. Their minister is a really great guy. He is a perfect fit for that good little church.

I thank God for my start in such loving and patient circumstances like Putnam. Here is a picture of the building I took...


loriehelle said...

I attended church almost every Sunday, and I do not recall many bonehead sermons! :)
I remember a very passionate dedicated preacher who loved his community!
We miss you very much, and hope all is well in Iowa!


Lorie & Jeff Helle

Unknown said...

Hello... just searching for anything Putnam Christian Church, IL and came across your post. My husband and I ministered there 1991-1994 or there abouts.

Mike Demastus said...

Hey Cathy...You are Chris's wife, correct? Send me an email at and I can tell you what I know. Sorry it took so long to respond.