I have a buddy that preaches at another church in another state and he responded to our church's latest newsletter. In it, I included an article about the myths of being a purpose driven church. You can see the article here:
Well, he wanted me to see another view point about being a purpose driven church (of which I like to try to be). He said that being "seeker-friendly" would better be labeled being "sinner-friendly" in his mind. He think that the whole purpose driven mentality is making our church's too much like the world.
I responded and told him I considered it the highest compliment to be "sinner-friendly"...in fact, isn't that what they said about Jesus? I say, woe to the church that isn't "sinner-friendly!"
What else are we supposed to be about? Do we just lock ourselves in our pretty little buildings and admire our stain-glassed windows and say, "Glory to God!" No.
Just like I said last week in my sermon, I think our church's new slogan should be, "Hell...no!" Literally not one more person go to hell.
As Spurgeon said, "If they must go to hell, then let them go with my arms around their ankles! If they must go to hell, then let them have to push me aside first to be able to get there!"
Winning the lost...sinner friendly! Something that Jesus smiles about!
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