Tuesday, March 27, 2007


How could I possibly think that I could ever need anything else? I have so much. I have been so blessed. God is so good to me. Each day is just like a complete drenching of blessing from my heavenly Father...and believe it or not, at times I have the audacity to complain when I am in a downpour!

I feel like God has centered the universe around me. I don't mean that in a pretentious, self-focused sort of way...but it just seems, at times, like this: How can anyone be blessed by God as much as me?

If every day from this day on were empty of any blessing from God then I have still been blessed by my Father enough to fill up 1000 life times. It doesn't even seem fair. He really is a good God.

I, like the Psalmist can say, "Taste and see that the LORD is good!" I wouldn't even try to begin to enumerate the blessings. They would boggle your mind. He leaves no stone unturned. He is attentive to my whole heart and he cares about things in my life that I can't believe would interest the heaven designer.

It makes me wonder...why me? Why do I find favor? It really is hard not to feel special. Although I think the same is true for any follower of Christ...but the feeling sure seems amazing! It seems at times as though I am the only child he has created and he is focused on nothing else in all of the vastness of space.

And yet, in the scheme of all things, I am the smallest piece of dust. So I still am blown away by a God such as this!

Tonight, as I type this, I know there will be times when I don't feel as I do right now. There will be valleys and shadows ahead, things that will make this memory faint and even disappear. But please help, Lord. Help me not to forget the wonderful things you do for me. And when I am being drenched by your blessings and complain at the downpour...drown me in your love!

1 comment:

Phillips said...

I totally agree about feeling so blessed by God. It's a challenge at time to remain humble, but the Lord will always gently remind me.