Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fully Devoted...Kinda

Aren't we the best self-deceivers? We con ourselves. We rationalize, justify and de-sensitize ourselves constantly. And nowhere is this more true than in the arena of our own spirituality.

After Easter I will begin a new sermon series entitled, "What If?" The whole dynamic behind this series is this idea of what if we really got serious about our faith? What if we were as devoted as they were in the book of Acts?

We brainstormed the other day. We are going to put together a video promo for this series that will air on Easter Sunday at our church. I will post the promo video here for you when it is all completed. But here is the basic premise behind the video.

We will shoot a video where I will order food from McDonald's (that bastion of healthy choices for food consumption). I will order a big 'ol super-sized meal with two apple pies...but I will insist on having a diet coke.

That is so descriptive of how it is with most people. We fool ourselves into thinking that we are doing good with our diets because we order the Diet Coke but yet we nullified that with an awful meal to go along with it.

A lot of people Diet Coke their relationship with God. They live lives that are absolutely half-hearted in their faith but yet they do the one Diet Coke thing and come to church and they feel like they are the best Christian that God has ever put on planet earth.

Well...that has been on my heart. What if...we got serious about our faith. What if we became the kind of church God is calling us to become?

I think we float along most of the time just fooling ourselves all the while sipping on our Diet Cokes thinking that we are really serious about our faith. God could care less with our "righteous acts" - they make him sick.

If all we can offer is a Diet Coke faith...I think God isn't even hungry. What if things changed?

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