Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Crazy Love

I am reading Francis Chan's book Crazy Love with my family each morning. This morning there was something pretty cool that we read. Here is the excerpt that we read today that really challenged me...

Recently I saw a bag of potato chips with a bold declaration splashed across the front: "Zero grams of trans fat." I was glad to know that I wouldn't be consuming any trans fat, which research has shown is detrimental to my health. But then I flipped the bag over and read the ingredients list, which included things like "yellow #6" and other artificial colors, and partially hydrogenated oil (which is trans fat, just a small enough amount that they can legally call it "0 grams"). I thought it was incredibly ironic that these chips were being advertised in a way that makes me think they are not harmful yet were really full of empty calories, weird chemicals, and, ironically, trans fat.

It struck me that many Christians flash around their "no trans fat" label, trying to convince everyone they are healthy and good. Yet they have no substantive or healthful elements to their faith. It's like the Laodiceans, who thought they had everything until Christ told them they were poor and wretched. They were all about declaring, "Look, we have no trans fat. We are wealthy, or we have good families, or we go to church every week." Obviously, it's not what you advertise that counts; it's what you are really made of.

So what am I really made of? My good deeds are like "filthy rags" according to God's Word (Isaiah 64:6). That word translated "filthy rags" there is actually a reference to used menstrual rags. Yuck. What horrific imagery. God is making it ultra clear that when I puff myself up thinking I am really is disgusting.

I need to be good because of Christ in me. My goodness can only come from Him and for Him. The less of me and the more of him the better off I am.

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