Friday, October 15, 2010

Elijah's Great Run

Preaching through the life of Elijah, we encountered the incredible story (that is almost mentioned in passing) of Elijah running ahead of Ahab’s chariot all the way to Jezreel. It only takes up one verse, the last verse of chapter eighteen of 1 Kings.

The power of the LORD came upon Elijah and, tucking his cloak into his belt, he ran ahead of Ahab all the way to Jezreel. -1 Kings 18:46 (NIV)

There are many who scoff at stories like this in Scripture and say, “It is physically impossible for a human to do something like this.” Bill Maher, comedian and well-known atheist, has referenced this story in comedy routines saying it is just another reason why he rejects the Bible as a myth.

Did you realize that doctors and scientists said it was impossible for a man to run a mile in less than four minutes? They said that our bone structure was wrong and wind resistance was too great and our lungs did not have adequate power as well as the human heart could not take that kind of stress and you would die in such a foolish attempt. It is an impossible dream to try to run a mile in under four minutes.

But 25 year old Roger Bannister didn’t listen to the experts.
He endured thousands of monotonous laps around the same university track. Bannister was determined to shape his body and his mind. On May 6, 1954 at Oxford University in England Roger Bannister was the first known human to run a mile in under four minutes.

I say known because Elijah may have well been history’s first. Since that historic day in 1954, one of the greatest sports achievements ever, 955 runners have achieved the same impossible dream as Bannister did. In fact, those runners have beat the four minute mile over 4,700 times now.

The next time someone you see on television scoffs at something in the Bible, just remember how impossible the four minute mile USED to be. Scripture affirms for you and me this timeless truth:

For nothing is impossible with God. –Luke 1:37 (NIV)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Other World

Today my family participated in the annual Life Chain event. This is the 23rd year it has been organized. As usual it was our family but the boys had one of their buddies come along. It really does sadden me that so many people don't seem to care.

My sons asked an individual at church today if they were attending and their response was that would mean they would miss their Sunday afternoon nap (which apparently is an unacceptable suggestion). Wow! Standing up against murders of convenience or missing a nap. I can see why the nap was the easy choice.

Because it is hard to stand up against a culture that thinks you're crazy for thinking that an unborn child has rights. It isn't easy to face the car horns and middle fingers and shouts of the pro-death crowd (which is just about everybody these days).

But as I preached this very morning I have to remember that God is never outnumbered! No matter how many voices who have swallowed the blue pill (Matrix reference) are loudly attempting to drown out the voices of those who have swallowed the red pill...I have to remember: God can do much with little.

One totally dedicated life is all God needs to change entire nations! (See the life of Elijah - 1 Kings 18) I am still sad to be surrounded by so many "Christians" who are addicted to the blue pill. They love their connection to this world but are slightly intrigued by the other world. So to scratch the other world itch, they show up on Sundays very faithfully.

But what they don't know is that the other world isn't far away. It's here. It's everywhere. It is simply veiled by all that we can see and feel. But all that we can see and feel is not is a great illusion! And the master magician Satan loves to keep us in awe of it.

If we could only have our eyes opened like Elisha's servant then we would know just how close (and real) the other world really is! I guess I just need to keep praying that God will open the eyes of the "Christians" I know who have a blue pill addiction!