Friday, February 27, 2009

According to plan?

This week has been very different than I anticipated. I had anticipated a nice, relaxing ministry week, but what I got was way more involved than that. I've been dealing with a crisis marriage situation. I got my lesson done early in the no issues there. But my sermon, oh man, my sermon has been kicking me in the butt all week long.

I came in Thursday morning and deleted everything I had written (on purpose) because it was really ticking me off. I figured that anything was better than what I had up to that point. So I scrapped what I had and went skipping off into the great unknown with my sermon and feel like I have exactly what God wants me to share now. Maybe that's why it was such a dang struggle this week.

But we also completed our Easter video. (I'll post that here later.) And I helped out a friend this week, had several meetings this week, made some hospital visits this week and still had time to be Dad/husband/superpastor (or maybe masterpastor).

By the way, if you are new to my blog, I really am not an egotistical maniac. "Masterpastor" is my Xbox Live sign-in name. Maybe it would better read...I am an egotical maniac...but not because of the name masterpastor.

I'm not crying about my week, I just think it is funny how we have these little internal talks with God and they go something like this: "Okay God, it's been crazy for a while so I want to have a nice relaxing week this week. Thanks." And then we expect God to just bend right over and accomodate for us.

Well, what we desire out of our week and how God expects to use us in a week typically NEVER measure up. So just because my week doesn't go "according to plan" doesn't mean that God isn't busy working and using me as He deems fit. He just doesn't feel compelled to do things the way we would do them.

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