Monday, January 12, 2009

Cleared Path

I thought about something today while I was clearing snow from my driveway and sidewalks. One thing I try to always do as well is clear a path for our mailman. So after I do the driveway and the sidewalks I will also take time to dig out a path for our mailman through my yard that leads right up to our front porch where our mailbox is.

I know it isn't something I have to do, but it is something that makes his role easier. He can deliver the message more effectively when a good path has been cleared for him.

I think the same is true of our worship experiences on Sunday morning. When we have average worship or even lousy's kind of like I don't have a path cleared. It's not that I can't bring the message because I still can but it is more difficult for me.

When worship is kicking and everyone seems to be firing on all cylinders and people are being moved in the worship experience then when I get up to deliver the's so much easier. That's because the path has been cleared for me to do that.

And when that happens...usually God rocks the lives of the people present! This happened to me yesterday during our second service. Our worship was electrifying and by the time I walked up to deliver the message people's hearts were more than ready. The path had been cleared. And when I delivered the message, God really spoke into people's lives.

It wasn't me or my message even (although I felt I hit it out of the park), it was the worship experience that cleared the path for the delivery of the message.

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