Friday, March 27, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
My Review of "Knowing"
I went to see the new Nicolas Cage film Knowing today. I went in not sure of what to expect because one review I had read said that Christians will either love this film or absolutely hate it...there will be no in between.
After having seen the film now, I think that is a very accurate statement.
The story opens in the sweet-and-innocent 1950s. The children—at least the children at William Dawes Elementary School—are full of optimism and hope: When their teacher asks them to draw pictures of what they think the world will look like in 50 years—pictures to place in a time capsule—they draw rockets and flying cars.
Well, except for one little girl named Lucinda, who instead covers her paper with lines and lines of numbers. So absorbed is she that she doesn't even get to finish writing before the teacher whisks her paper away.
Fast-forward 50 years, and a new generation of William Dawes students opens the capsule to marvel at these bright pictures of the future. Well, except for the kid who sees Lucinda's numbers.
The kid—Caleb's his name—brings home the paper and obliquely suggests that it might be a code of some sort. John, Caleb's father and a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, decides (after a few whiskeys) that Caleb could be right. In fact, many of the numbers seem to correspond with the dates of every major tragedy in the last 50 years, along with the number of those killed. 9/11? It's on there. Tsunamis in southeast Asia? Check. Oklahoma City bombing? Check.
John sees that there are just three dates left on the sheet—and all of them are set to take place over the next few days. Which leaves John to ask himself some pretty hard questions:
Does this mean that our lives are guided?
That our fates are predetermined?
Can we change our future?
Am I going crazy?
Could this sheet of paper represent an even more ominous future than a few plane crashes?
Here's the deal. This movie deals with some very tough issues. Determinism, fatalism, random evolution are all themes that pop up in this movie with lots and lots of spiritual overtones.
There is a ton of biblical imagery in the movie...especially end time imagery. They have the earth being destroyed by fire, they have angel-like creatures that come to hearken the world's end (four of them actually). There is one scene when one of these creatures opens his mouth and light and a trumpet-like blast comes forth.
There is the Bible placed on a bed side of the one woman who seemed to be able to predict all of this (she's also portrayed as crazy).
So the movie is full of biblical images. Even a new earth is shown at the end.
But there are unsettling themes as well. I only heard two cuss words. The darkness of all of this was a bit unnerving. There is no return of Jesus. There is no Bible usage per se. The number code is the most important thing...not references to Scripture.
And the other oddly disturbing thing is the fact that all that happened could have a simple scientific explanation or it could be a spiritual thing or it could even be an alien thing. The angelic creatures I spoke of, could very well be aliens...but they are very intentionally given angelic-like qualities...but they have also have a "ship" which is unlike your typical flying saucer.
So all in all, the movie kind of leaves you feeling the tension between is it spiritual or is it scientific? They really don't make a conclusion one way or the other.
I enjoyed the film, but it made me think. I like movies that do that. This is probably not a movie for little kids because there are some pretty scary scenes. I actually cowered in my seat at one point!
But it is definitely worth the time. I think you may either hate it or love it!
After having seen the film now, I think that is a very accurate statement.
The story opens in the sweet-and-innocent 1950s. The children—at least the children at William Dawes Elementary School—are full of optimism and hope: When their teacher asks them to draw pictures of what they think the world will look like in 50 years—pictures to place in a time capsule—they draw rockets and flying cars.
Well, except for one little girl named Lucinda, who instead covers her paper with lines and lines of numbers. So absorbed is she that she doesn't even get to finish writing before the teacher whisks her paper away.
Fast-forward 50 years, and a new generation of William Dawes students opens the capsule to marvel at these bright pictures of the future. Well, except for the kid who sees Lucinda's numbers.
The kid—Caleb's his name—brings home the paper and obliquely suggests that it might be a code of some sort. John, Caleb's father and a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, decides (after a few whiskeys) that Caleb could be right. In fact, many of the numbers seem to correspond with the dates of every major tragedy in the last 50 years, along with the number of those killed. 9/11? It's on there. Tsunamis in southeast Asia? Check. Oklahoma City bombing? Check.
John sees that there are just three dates left on the sheet—and all of them are set to take place over the next few days. Which leaves John to ask himself some pretty hard questions:
Does this mean that our lives are guided?
That our fates are predetermined?
Can we change our future?
Am I going crazy?
Could this sheet of paper represent an even more ominous future than a few plane crashes?
Here's the deal. This movie deals with some very tough issues. Determinism, fatalism, random evolution are all themes that pop up in this movie with lots and lots of spiritual overtones.
There is a ton of biblical imagery in the movie...especially end time imagery. They have the earth being destroyed by fire, they have angel-like creatures that come to hearken the world's end (four of them actually). There is one scene when one of these creatures opens his mouth and light and a trumpet-like blast comes forth.
There is the Bible placed on a bed side of the one woman who seemed to be able to predict all of this (she's also portrayed as crazy).
So the movie is full of biblical images. Even a new earth is shown at the end.
But there are unsettling themes as well. I only heard two cuss words. The darkness of all of this was a bit unnerving. There is no return of Jesus. There is no Bible usage per se. The number code is the most important thing...not references to Scripture.
And the other oddly disturbing thing is the fact that all that happened could have a simple scientific explanation or it could be a spiritual thing or it could even be an alien thing. The angelic creatures I spoke of, could very well be aliens...but they are very intentionally given angelic-like qualities...but they have also have a "ship" which is unlike your typical flying saucer.
So all in all, the movie kind of leaves you feeling the tension between is it spiritual or is it scientific? They really don't make a conclusion one way or the other.
I enjoyed the film, but it made me think. I like movies that do that. This is probably not a movie for little kids because there are some pretty scary scenes. I actually cowered in my seat at one point!
But it is definitely worth the time. I think you may either hate it or love it!
Monday, March 23, 2009
I got stimulated
This morning I opened up my check to find that it was $9.00 more than normal. I called my treasurer to see what happened. She told me that was my part of the economic stimulus package. So that totals out to $468.00 more per year in my pocket. So they used my money to give me more of my money. That's kinda weird.
My personal plan with this extra windfall is to add it to what I put in my savings account every week. I know that really isn't stimulating the overall economy but otherwise this amazing windfall would most probably land me at McDonald's every week! And I don't think they need any extra stimulating.
My personal plan with this extra windfall is to add it to what I put in my savings account every week. I know that really isn't stimulating the overall economy but otherwise this amazing windfall would most probably land me at McDonald's every week! And I don't think they need any extra stimulating.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Got to thinking about something today (after reading a blog post). What are the things that I do in ministry. So, not to sound self-promoting, but rather a critical analysis of my role and in no certain order here are the things I do:
I twitter.
I blog.
I maintain a Facebook account.
I write sermons each week. I preach a sermon most weeks (at least 45 weeks of the year) and I do it twice.
I prepare lessons for Sunday School and Wednesday evening class.
I teach Sunday School and Wednesday evening class.
I host a small group.
I facilitate discussion in small group and spend time preparing for small group.
I attend board meetings and prepare for board meetings.
I attend elders meetings and prepare for elders meetings.
I prepare powerpoint slides for my sermon.
I create sermon series graphics.
I help produce sermon videos.
I prepare iWorship slides for powerpoint.
I do book studies with different individuals.
I visit people in their homes, at the hospital or at their place of work.
I field numerous phone calls.
I field numerous emails.
I make numerous phone calls.
I compose numerous emails.
I capture the audio of my sermon on Sunday mornings.
I upload the audio of my sermon on Sunday afternoons to our web site.
I open up our building on Sunday mornings.
I close up the building on Sunday afternoon.
I prepare advertising slides for our lobby TV.
I handle any and all criticisms related to the church, ministry and my preaching.
I set communion out on our communion table each Sunday (and sometimes prepare it when the person that was supposed to prepare forgets).
I turn on all audio/visual equipment on Sunday mornings.
I turn off all audio/visual equipment on Sunday afternoon.
I make sure microphones are working on Sunday morning.
I practice with praise teams.
I perform with praise teams.
I handle IT problems and help troubleshoot PC and copier issues in the office.
I make runs to the office store to purchase office supplies and equipment.
I attend other meetings from time to time (worship, Joy Ladies, etc.)
I help distribute food pantry items to needy individuals and families from time to time.
I help out with youth group activities from time to time.
I try to stay fresh and continually keep casting the church's vision!
Wow! That list sucks! The common denominator I see in that list is the word "I" on the left column. I am definitely doing too much. And honestly, sometimes it is really hard to determine what I should let go of or not do anymore so that I can be more effective in what God has called me to do.
That is the dilemma most smaller church pastors face, honestly. They do too much but they kinda need to.
So my challenge is going to be to wade through what it is that I absolutely need to do (and no one else can) and what is it that I don't need to do (because someone else can) and what is it that I absolutely should not be doing (I'm thinking the clean my office part).
Pray for me because I really do want to declutter my life and focus to be the person that God called me to be in the first place. But the funny thing is the very thing He called me to (the church) is the thing that gets in the way of me doing His will!
I twitter.
I blog.
I maintain a Facebook account.
I write sermons each week. I preach a sermon most weeks (at least 45 weeks of the year) and I do it twice.
I prepare lessons for Sunday School and Wednesday evening class.
I teach Sunday School and Wednesday evening class.
I host a small group.
I facilitate discussion in small group and spend time preparing for small group.
I attend board meetings and prepare for board meetings.
I attend elders meetings and prepare for elders meetings.
I prepare powerpoint slides for my sermon.
I create sermon series graphics.
I help produce sermon videos.
I prepare iWorship slides for powerpoint.
I do book studies with different individuals.
I visit people in their homes, at the hospital or at their place of work.
I field numerous phone calls.
I field numerous emails.
I make numerous phone calls.
I compose numerous emails.
I capture the audio of my sermon on Sunday mornings.
I upload the audio of my sermon on Sunday afternoons to our web site.
I open up our building on Sunday mornings.
I close up the building on Sunday afternoon.
I prepare advertising slides for our lobby TV.
I handle any and all criticisms related to the church, ministry and my preaching.
I set communion out on our communion table each Sunday (and sometimes prepare it when the person that was supposed to prepare forgets).
I turn on all audio/visual equipment on Sunday mornings.
I turn off all audio/visual equipment on Sunday afternoon.
I make sure microphones are working on Sunday morning.
I practice with praise teams.
I perform with praise teams.
I handle IT problems and help troubleshoot PC and copier issues in the office.
I make runs to the office store to purchase office supplies and equipment.
I attend other meetings from time to time (worship, Joy Ladies, etc.)
I help distribute food pantry items to needy individuals and families from time to time.
I help out with youth group activities from time to time.
I try to stay fresh and continually keep casting the church's vision!
Wow! That list sucks! The common denominator I see in that list is the word "I" on the left column. I am definitely doing too much. And honestly, sometimes it is really hard to determine what I should let go of or not do anymore so that I can be more effective in what God has called me to do.
That is the dilemma most smaller church pastors face, honestly. They do too much but they kinda need to.
So my challenge is going to be to wade through what it is that I absolutely need to do (and no one else can) and what is it that I don't need to do (because someone else can) and what is it that I absolutely should not be doing (I'm thinking the clean my office part).
Pray for me because I really do want to declutter my life and focus to be the person that God called me to be in the first place. But the funny thing is the very thing He called me to (the church) is the thing that gets in the way of me doing His will!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Being a 1st Time Visitor Again
Today was a little outside the norm for me. I wasn't preaching, my youth pastor was, so I didn't even attend services at The Fort this morning. We don't let anyone know in advance anymore when I won't be preaching because people have a tendency to skip church when they know I am going to be gone.
It was kind of funny as well because we got a very concerned person call today worried that I was looking at another church this morning. Don't worry, I ain't going're stuck with me at The Fort!
We decided to see if we could glean any insights by going to a local megachurch this morning. We went to Lutheran Church of Hope. I have attended services at both Willow Creek in Chicago and Lifechurch in Oklahoma City. Let me say right up front that Hope is neither.
We had people pleasantly smile at us as we entered but no one spoke directly to us. I had to ask (TWICE) which way and what it was I should expect. That is nothing like what I experienced in Chicago or Oklahoma City where we started receiving our first welcomes in the parking lot.
After being seated in the massive auditorium (and after finding it), we looked through our bulletin. It was very busy with loads of information. I felt a sense of anticipation though as I sat there.
Musicians and singers began to line up on stage just a couple minutes prior to service. I noticed five screens that were used for projection up front plus two more in the back that were for the praise teams.
Worship began (and it was very good). Didn't know the first song, but that was okay. I enjoyed listening to it. After it was done, there were a few announcements given (the first of which was a video that advertised their upcoming Easter services...and it was done by a local news media personality Eric Hanson). Very nicely produced video. Then a couple more were given by a pastor on staff.
Then we were to greet others around us. There were a couple folks right next to us that shook hands with us. They seemed very friendly.
Music began again and we were off into two more worship songs. During this phase of worship, a 19 member choir joined the other 11 musicians and singers on stage. There was also an American Sign Language interpreter on stage the whole time as well (she was great!) And during the last song an interpretive dancer joined everyone on stage (I found her to be pretty distracting personally).
Then it was offering time (but it wasn't announced, it just kind of happened) while a special solo took place.
Then it was time for the sermon. The speaker was an associate pastor on staff Molly Junjunet. I wondered what I'd think because I really am not fond of women preachers to be blunt with you. But she did a good job.
My only two serious critiques of her sermon were that she spoke entirely too fast (making her hard to follow at times) and her sermon was way too dang long! She spoke for close to 50 minutes! No joke!
Although her content was was too much. She needs to learn to trim the fat!
And here is the other really funky weird thing for me. At the end of her sermon, she simply raised her hand and said, "Go in peace." And that concluded the whole service.
No closing song or prayer or anything. Just a hand gesture and a little saying. That felt really weird! There should have been something more there to close everything out.
Overall, I didn't come back with any great ideas (except maybe a sermon idea) and I was a little surprised at how Hope wasn't as friendly as I thought it would be. They need to work on their greeters helping people (from the parking lot) know exactly where to go.
Plus, at the end of the day, I still don't care for women preaching that much!
It was kind of funny as well because we got a very concerned person call today worried that I was looking at another church this morning. Don't worry, I ain't going're stuck with me at The Fort!
We decided to see if we could glean any insights by going to a local megachurch this morning. We went to Lutheran Church of Hope. I have attended services at both Willow Creek in Chicago and Lifechurch in Oklahoma City. Let me say right up front that Hope is neither.
We had people pleasantly smile at us as we entered but no one spoke directly to us. I had to ask (TWICE) which way and what it was I should expect. That is nothing like what I experienced in Chicago or Oklahoma City where we started receiving our first welcomes in the parking lot.
After being seated in the massive auditorium (and after finding it), we looked through our bulletin. It was very busy with loads of information. I felt a sense of anticipation though as I sat there.
Musicians and singers began to line up on stage just a couple minutes prior to service. I noticed five screens that were used for projection up front plus two more in the back that were for the praise teams.
Worship began (and it was very good). Didn't know the first song, but that was okay. I enjoyed listening to it. After it was done, there were a few announcements given (the first of which was a video that advertised their upcoming Easter services...and it was done by a local news media personality Eric Hanson). Very nicely produced video. Then a couple more were given by a pastor on staff.
Then we were to greet others around us. There were a couple folks right next to us that shook hands with us. They seemed very friendly.
Music began again and we were off into two more worship songs. During this phase of worship, a 19 member choir joined the other 11 musicians and singers on stage. There was also an American Sign Language interpreter on stage the whole time as well (she was great!) And during the last song an interpretive dancer joined everyone on stage (I found her to be pretty distracting personally).
Then it was offering time (but it wasn't announced, it just kind of happened) while a special solo took place.
Then it was time for the sermon. The speaker was an associate pastor on staff Molly Junjunet. I wondered what I'd think because I really am not fond of women preachers to be blunt with you. But she did a good job.
My only two serious critiques of her sermon were that she spoke entirely too fast (making her hard to follow at times) and her sermon was way too dang long! She spoke for close to 50 minutes! No joke!
Although her content was was too much. She needs to learn to trim the fat!
And here is the other really funky weird thing for me. At the end of her sermon, she simply raised her hand and said, "Go in peace." And that concluded the whole service.
No closing song or prayer or anything. Just a hand gesture and a little saying. That felt really weird! There should have been something more there to close everything out.
Overall, I didn't come back with any great ideas (except maybe a sermon idea) and I was a little surprised at how Hope wasn't as friendly as I thought it would be. They need to work on their greeters helping people (from the parking lot) know exactly where to go.
Plus, at the end of the day, I still don't care for women preaching that much!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Worship Unplugged...
Friday, March 13, 2009
Jonathan and Jacob
These past couple of weeks I got to see Jacob and Jonathan take on challenging roles in plays that they performed in. Jacob played a character named "Chase Hermann" in the play "Clues Encounter of a Third Kind." His production wasn't as large-scale as his brother's but Jacob definitely stole the show. He had the most laughs and really did a fabulous job acting.
Jonathan played "Atticus Finch" in the play adaptation of Harper Lee's novel To Kill A Mockingbird. I have to be honest and tell you that I was blown away by my son's acting ability. Jonathan had the lead role and he had some incredibly difficult lines and scenes but he did it all with great skill!
I am bursting proud of both of my sons! They are really talented! They get that from their mother!
I only had video of Jacob's play, but here are a few pics from Jonathan's big night...
Jonathan played "Atticus Finch" in the play adaptation of Harper Lee's novel To Kill A Mockingbird. I have to be honest and tell you that I was blown away by my son's acting ability. Jonathan had the lead role and he had some incredibly difficult lines and scenes but he did it all with great skill!
I am bursting proud of both of my sons! They are really talented! They get that from their mother!
I only had video of Jacob's play, but here are a few pics from Jonathan's big night...
Harper Lee,
school play,
To Kill A Mockingbird
Sunday, March 8, 2009
My Favorite Halo 3 Screenshot!

Shot in Pulpit
Today's news is headed with the tragic story of the church shooting in Maryville, IL at First Baptist Church. Pastor Fred Winters wasn't long into his sermon when an unknown gunman walked down the middle aisle of the church and started shooting.
The story said that he held up the Bible he was preaching from to shield himself from the coming bullets. He was pronounced dead at the hospital.
One week ago Fred Winters preached a sermon about finances. He had no idea that one week later he would be dead.
My hope and my prayer is that every Sunday when I get up to preach that I will leave everything there. My heart needs to be completely exhausted so that I know that I have preached as if it was my very last sermon I will ever preach.
Fred Winters was a good man. What a horrible tragedy for his family and the church he served. Please pray for them.
The story said that he held up the Bible he was preaching from to shield himself from the coming bullets. He was pronounced dead at the hospital.

My hope and my prayer is that every Sunday when I get up to preach that I will leave everything there. My heart needs to be completely exhausted so that I know that I have preached as if it was my very last sermon I will ever preach.
Fred Winters was a good man. What a horrible tragedy for his family and the church he served. Please pray for them.
Friday, March 6, 2009
The Hooter Hoodie
Quite a while back, right as our current youth pastor was starting, I was still involved in the youth ministry. On one particular night at group we had a young gal that came and visited the group for the first time.
She was quickly the object of all the boys' attention. Why, ask you? Because she was wearing a shirt so low cut that her boobs were almost falling out!
So I asked her to step in the hall for a minute. I told her she was going to have to cover up. She ended up leaving because she got mad. Oh well.
Listen, parents of teenage girls, keep your teenagers in their dang clothes! I don't want to see your kids' anatomy and I definitely don't want my boys to see it either.
This led to an interesting solution that we still have hanging at the church somewhere. It's affectionately called the "Hooter Hoodie." It is a hooded sweatshirt that we can give to a young gal who comes to group with inappropriate apparel on.
I'm not involved in group really anymore. But the "Hooter Hoodie" is still there ready to be used at a revealing-chest's notice.
Unfortunately this isn't just a youth group deal. Women attend church all the time dressed like they are headed to a porn film right afterwards. That's a real drag to be honest with you.
Every man struggles with lust. We don't need our Christian sisters tempting us at church where we have come to worship Jesus!
She was quickly the object of all the boys' attention. Why, ask you? Because she was wearing a shirt so low cut that her boobs were almost falling out!
So I asked her to step in the hall for a minute. I told her she was going to have to cover up. She ended up leaving because she got mad. Oh well.
Listen, parents of teenage girls, keep your teenagers in their dang clothes! I don't want to see your kids' anatomy and I definitely don't want my boys to see it either.
This led to an interesting solution that we still have hanging at the church somewhere. It's affectionately called the "Hooter Hoodie." It is a hooded sweatshirt that we can give to a young gal who comes to group with inappropriate apparel on.
I'm not involved in group really anymore. But the "Hooter Hoodie" is still there ready to be used at a revealing-chest's notice.
Unfortunately this isn't just a youth group deal. Women attend church all the time dressed like they are headed to a porn film right afterwards. That's a real drag to be honest with you.
Every man struggles with lust. We don't need our Christian sisters tempting us at church where we have come to worship Jesus!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
How To Fit In At Church
I saw this video over at my buddy Shane Vander Hart's blog. It's a great instructional video to teach you how to fit in almost any church if you've never been before!
Monday, March 2, 2009
One Prayer 2009

Just imagine what God is going to do this year! I am 100% jazzed about this. Be watching for more information coming soon!
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