Saturday, May 23, 2009

10 Principles for Church Growth (Pt. 2)

Principle #2: WORSHIP

For starters, it really needs to be something that the church truly understands and that is that worship is not something that only occurs on Sunday mornings. Sunday morning is only a culmination of a week long, 24/7 experience of worship.

Worship is our life. It is all that we are offered to our heavenly Father every day we are alive. What happens on Sunday morning is different in that it is a celebration experience. It is the time that we all gather together to celebrate who God is and what He has done in our lives and to remember the sacrifice of His Son and His death on a cross. Worship on Sunday differs only in that it is no longer an individual experience but a corporate one.

And a growing church understands this basic principle of worship in a corporate environment: That we gather to celebrate and NOT to fellowship. Smaller, unhealthy churches try to replace worship celebrations with fellowship. The corporate worship experience is Not a fellowship experience. It isn't about is about HIM, our heavenly Father.

When a church tries to accomplish fellowship when we are supposed to be focused on God, we lose out and a church that does this will NOT grow. Some of the most intense battles I have faced have not been about different musical styles, they have been about taking away a fellowship focus on Sunday morning and replacing with a celebration experience.

When we moved to two services, some of the arguments I heard were: I don't see anyone I know anymore. Well, as long as you see Jesus...does it really matter. Besides, if you want to see those people, then give them a flipping phone call and don't wait till Sunday morning to do what you probably should have done beforehand.

Fellowship is supposed to take place in small groups or in Sunday School or on your own in individual relationships throughout the church. But if you think the only place it should be done is on Sunday morning (and a lot of people do) then you have missed the point of the corporate worship experience.

Another note about worship being a reason that a church will grow is this...when we gather and celebrate Jesus as One Body, we better worship God with our very best efforts together. And if we offer lousy singing, lousy services, lousy preaching then we will never grow. God deserves our VERY BEST. Anything less means we do not take our faith very seriously. God is worth the best that we can offer in singing, preaching, and even ambiance when it comes to our corporate experience.