Okay, Super Tuesday is here (finally!) and we will be blessed with 24/7 TV coverage of every thing that voters are thinking, eating and wearing. Obama's middle name is Hussein...need I say more. Hillary is just scary. Romney is a mormon that was pro-choice about 8 months ago but now is vehemently pro-life (makes you wonder). McCain is a Republomat. Ron Paul was brought to earth by space aliens. And Mike Huckabee doesn't have a snowball's chance of winning.
At the end of the day...when it is all said and done...they're still politicians. All of them. They will all still disappoint us in some manner.
Not one of these candidates is perfect...no, not one. They all say, and promise things to get elected.
I will be glad when it is all over and we can get back to important things on TV. You know, things like watching people eat gross stuff and singing out of tune. That's what I really miss!
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