Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Bridge Video Shoot

We shot our latest video today. We will be posting it up on Youtube soon and embedding it on our main site at Godsfort.org. I am very jazzed about this because we are also mailing out over 5,000 postcards in the neighborhood where my church is located. The mailing will be directing people to our website where we will have the newest video on the main site.

This video is the promo for the upcoming sermon series I will be preaching in September entitled "The Bridge." The Bridge series has a simple premise...God bridged the gap between fallen man and himself by sending His Son Jesus to die for us.

Another cool feature will be that each week at the church we will be constructing an actual bridge in the auditorium as the series progresses so that by the last week the bridge will be complete. And then the invitation will be given for people to walk across the Bridge into a right relationship with God.

I will embed the video here a little later this week when we get it done. We still have one more pick up shot to get tomorrow evening and then editing. But I promise you won't be let down. It will be our best video yet.

1 comment:

deathsweep said...

looking forward to it
