Sunday, March 11, 2007

Staff Added...

We hired a new staff member. We stepped out on faith and hired a person with no previous ministrry experience. Conventional wisdom would say this is the right path. To hire from within and train up and mentor. So that is the approach we are taking.

Our new man will focus primarily with youth ministry. I look forward to having a lot of creative synergy sessions with him. He is a guy full of ideas and creativity so I think we will be challenged.

At the outset I hope to implement evaluative procedures for him as well. I want to evaluate true measurables in his ministry effectiveness. But it is kind of a hard thing to tangibly spell out because much of ministry deals with intangibles.

But it is still important to find the areas that can be measured and evaluate accordingly. That is what we will do. Pray for our new man, pray for our ministry and ultimately that lives will be changed...that is why we do what we do.

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