Wednesday, April 8, 2015

So what exactly is the Pastor's job?

I passed by this church sign in Des Moines today. For some strange reason, I pay close attention to the messages I see on church signs. This one struck a nerve with me.

I understand the intent of the message of this sign, at least I think I do. But I think there is a problem. The problem is NOT pastors telling people WHO to vote for. The problem is pastors never speaking about voting in the first place.

Our beautiful America has been so richly and abundantly blessed by our great God. But the silence of our pulpits has led to the innocent being slaughtered in an almost 40 year holocaust that has seen nearly 55 million little boys and girls brutally done to death.

 The silence of our pulpits have led to families being fractured and marriages broken while self-obsessed people pursue the immediate gratification of their every desire. It has led to militant homosexuals pursuing absolute approval and the redefinition of marriage. It has led to the nation’s leaders wallowing in decadence and deceit while the people look on in apathetic indifference.  

We tell pastors to not talk about politics from the pulpit while the killing goes on and the nation is led down the path of destruction and the church and her leaders stand silent and afraid.
This country that we love, our America, is fighting for her life. Not against the military power of a foreign enemy but against the principalities and powers of this dark age. You and I as sons and daughters of the Lord Jesus Christ are being called upon to take a stand in this moment of crisis.
 And let there be no one among us who doubts the urgency of this hour. To compare what is happening in America today to Nazi Germany is no mere flight of rhetorical exaggeration. This nation is heedlessly stumbling toward third millennium darkness.
Look around you. Chaos, corruption and confusion reign throughout our culture. We live in a society where passions are riderless horses…uncontrolled and unbridled. There is a desolation of decency in which love has become a jungle emotion. Men and women in the modern age are no more enlightened in this sex saturated society than a fly feasting on canine feces in the sun.
And all the while, we want to make sure that the pastor dare not breach certain "political" topics for fear of offending some. Oh, where were these souls to give counsel to John the Baptist as he called out Herod for his sin? If only there had been some modern American wisdom to be bestowed upon the Apostle Paul before he spoke to the rulers of his day!
The problem is not the pastor telling his people WHO to vote for, friends. The problem is the pastor not preaching the whole counsel of God's Word on every living topic we face! We need to have America's pulpits thunder again with the TRUTH of God's Word. (That would make for an interesting sign message!)