Harold Camping had predicted the end of all things on May 21st but that day came and went. What now? Well, for Robert Fitzpatrick of New York, he’s simply out $140,000 (which equals his life savings) that he spent on an ad campaign warning people of the impending doomsday. But for the rest of us, it is good to reflect on what the Scriptures actually do teach concerning the end of the world and Christ’s return.
Surprisingly, the Bible has quite a bit to say about the coming of the Lord. Peter warns us to not think that because the Lord hasn’t returned yet that means that He is not going to come at all (2 Peter 3:3-9). In fact, there is no truth more central to our faith as believers than the return of Christ.
Jesus said multiple times Himself that He would return (Matt. 24:30, 35; 26:64; Rev. 22:12; 22:20), angels from heaven testified that He will return (Acts 1:11), the apostles testified Jesus would return (Acts 3:19-21; 1 Peter 1:3-13; 2 Peter 3:1-14; 4:12-13; 5:4; Rev. 1:7).
The Bible tells us the manner in which Jesus will return. It will be visible (Matt. 24:27; Acts 1:11; Rev. 1:7) and it will be “with the clouds” (Matt. 24:30). It will be in glory with the angels (Matt. 25:31; 1 Thess. 1:7; 4:16). It will also happen in concert with convulsions of physical nature (Matt. 24:29; Rom. 8:19-22).
Now the Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that Christ secretly came back in 1914 and established the headquarters for His Kingdom on earth in Brooklyn, NY (I personally think it would have been Chicago if this were true because God is a Cubs fan). But you can clearly see this teaching, like Camping’s, is not Scriptural.
The one thing we for certain do NOT know concerning the return of Christ is when it will occur. Jesus made the very clear in Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32. If the angels in heaven do not know, neither the Son, it is certain that Harold Camping was destined to be wrong on this one as well. Because as the apostles were told by Jesus, “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.” (Acts 1:7)
The overwhelming point of Scripture concerning the return of Christ is not to give us signs so that we will be able to figure out when it will occur. In fact, Jesus said, “A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after signs, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” (Matt. 16:4) The point of Scripture about the end times is that we will live in a constant state of readiness. Being prepared for the return of Christ is the most important thing we believers can do. It coincides with living life from a “numbered days” perspective (Psalm 90:12). When you live your life like Christ could come back today, it puts things in the proper light. Material things aren’t important. Our relationships are. Our walk with the Lord is. That is the most important thing you can do in light of the return of Christ. Don’t try and figure out when, live like it could be today!