Sunday, June 6, 2010

Learning about Sabbath...

Before the 10 Commandments were ever etched in stone, Creator God gave a gift to His people, the Israelites (and us, ultimately). The gift was the Sabbath. It is a rhythm for life. Six days to work, and the seventh to rest and just delight in God and His good gifts to us.

In Exodus 16:29, Moses is trying to explain to the people why they need to gather twice the amount of manna than on other days. The reason is for the intended rest on the seventh day. God gave the Sabbath to His people to teach them to rest.

I am learning now, like the Israelites did, that I need to practice Sabbath. I need to rest and delight in God's goodness. Sometimes before the rest, there is a little more work to be done (just like I had to prepare for this time away...and it did take a lot of work)...but now I have no agenda.

There is no alarm clock in my room at this retreat. I will wake up in the morning when my body tells me I am rested. That's new. I think that is a wonderful gift. And God is the provider of that gift.

If you are burning candles at both need to slow down or perhaps God will slow you down.

God did not intend for us to always be running and rushing and filling up our lives with constant noise. He desires for us to slow down and rest. To actually take deep breaths regularly. To sigh...not out of frustration...but out of complete rest and contentment.

It has been a long time since I have sighed like that. I like it. I think it is way over-due!

Sabbatical Day 6