I have been on a self-imposed hiatus from blogging. I want to get back into the swing of things with the blog again. I have just had a hard time slotting out a time to sit down and write on the blog.
While I was away I had something interesting occur to me. I had received some criticism about my preaching (not all that uncommon a thing to be honest). The criticism wasn't focused on my ability to preach or even my handling of Scripture per se (although there was some disagreement about a particular verse) but the focus was on my TONE.
Now the problem I had was that I didn't get to talk to the individual. The individual chose to not come directly to me (even though that is the clear directive of Scripture: Matthew 18:15-20). I would still urge the individual to come to me personally (I don't bite!)
But this person's view of the local church's pastor is that he is the "hired hand" (their words) and the eldership are the ones who "run the church" (again, their words). I would have you read John 10:11-13 to get a good perspective on how a "hired hand" operates.
I still wish I could have a discussion with the person that got upset about the tone of my preaching, but I think that will probably never happen. That bums me out. But from this experience, my elders affirmed me big time and stood behind me (that really means more than you know).
I wish with all my heart that people would just simply do what Scripture says. Talk to the person you have something against...not about the person!
I know I have been called by my Master to preach the truth. I am not called to make people happy. I must preach God's Word with conviction and passion and clarity. Everything else is up to God.
Something else I have been struggling with lately is attendance slumps at The Fort. We are definitely in the summer slump. But last week God's Word really spoke to me on this. In 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 Paul says "we do not lose heart." That has been difficult when you focus on dwindling numbers during the summer months. It is discouraging, to be honest. But he continues and says that we need to focus "not on what is seen" (like attendance patterns) "but on what is unseen" (like how God's Word is changing the hearts of those who are hearing it!)
Man, did I need that encouragement! And it came straight from God's Word. So don't lose heart! Even if you are criticized, even if the amount of people you were hoping for doesn't come...don't lose heart. Focus on the unseen work of your heavenly Father! That's what I need to do!