Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Functional Saviors

Mark Driscoll is the lead minister at Mars Hill Church. I read a blog that shared a story Mark had related. Here it is:

Mark shared a story of a visit he made a couple years ago to India. While touring the region with a local pastor and his wife, he came across some form of sacrificial alter to a local idol - complete with a recent sacrificed chicken still present.

While standing there, he happened to be in conversation with the pastor's wife about the United States. She had visited once before, and Mark asked her if she would ever return. The essence of her reply, "not on my life, there is so much idol worship there, that I don't ever want to see again."

Standing next to the sacrificed chicken, Mark found this ironic, so he explored what she meant. He asked her for examples, because he just wasn't aware of anything even remotely similar in the States to what he was currently viewing.

The woman was quick with her examples:

"you have restaurants on every corner, celebrating your worship of food"

"you build these fantastic stadiums, seating 10's of thousands, to worship your sporting heroes"

"the decadence in your shopping malls, everyone needing to be fashionable"

"the extravagence of your theaters and concerts - worshiping your cultural stars"

You know what? From listening to Mark's account, it is true that cultural idolatry that has overtaken God in so many areas of our society, and the various hells they create:

the "i need to be skinny" hell
the "my neighbor has the Lexus" hell
the "I need an iPod" hell
the "I need to find approval" hell (ok - I added that one)

This cultural idolatry is our desire to create "functional saviors" - material or temporal "answers to our dreams". Things that if we can only attain, our life will be better. Let me plunge the knife deeper:

How often do we get mad at God because He doesn't allow these functional saviors to be the answer to making our life better? Do you find it ironic that we get mad at God for not helping us to put other idols in front of Him?

I'm not ranting against materialism. I am, however, warning against our nature to turn "good things into God things, making them bad things."

What hell do you choose most often? What good thing have you turned into (or are busy converting into) a god thing?

Monday, February 26, 2007

First Time For Me

Well...we cancelled services Sunday morning here at The Fort. That was the first time that has happened since I have been here. I've been here at The Fort for over 8 years now.

It was quite an ordeal. I got up very early plowed my drive and then took off in my car. I got stuck at the corner from my house. And then my neighbor was pulling out of their driveway and they hit me.

I ended up making it to the church building but only with the help of some good friends who plow snow for a living. Once I made it their, we decided that it was just too treacherous to travel at all. So we called it. That really got to me.

Not just that we called it...I understand all of those things. But I feel such a stong desire to be there at the building in case someone needs help. But I ended up spending the day with my family at home yesterday. It was a good day too.

We read Scripture, prayed, sang a song and took communion together. It was really quite awesome, honestly.

I had never done something like that before. It was refreshing and simple and honest.

Maybe that was what I needed instead of having my ego stroked by preaching another message and wanting praise for doing a good job! Maybe I needed to only preach the message of Christ's return through communion (1 Corinthians 11:26)...there probably is no better sermon to preach!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

A Lesson About Church Life

Watch the following Video:

Now...what resemblance does that bring for us into the church? How are we like the man with the book?

Saturday, February 24, 2007

DaVinci Code 2: James Cameron is an idiot

Well...it's almost spring...which means most church's are already thinking about Easter programs and how this Easter will be better than last year's. But always eyeing for the best way to make a big splash, hollywood is about to unveil it's new attempt at un-resurrecting Jesus.

Film-maker James Cameron and Discovery Channel are going to be soon airing a new documentary where apparently they have found the tomb, coffin and body of Jesus Christ. Not only that, he has also found the body and tomb of Mary Magdalene and the son she bore with Jesus Christ as the father.

In a huge attempt to make every Christian on planet earth mad, he will be unveiling very soon in New York City these three coffins and bodies. You can read about it here http://isrealitybites.com

Never fear, we will be deluged with mass media on this big stunt. All the while, James Cameron and Discovery Channel may make a buck or two (go figure?) and the church will be shown to be useless and devoid of any meaning. So I am so glad that James Cameron evolved on planet earth to show us how silly we millions and millions of Christians really are. Man, we're pretty lame to believe in something as silly as the resurrection of Jesus!

But quietly and subtly Jesus' power still works in the lives of real people and shows them that there is hope beyond this life. We have no more fear of death. And most definitely Christians should have no fear of money-making publicity stunts like this that always crop up around Easter.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Importance of no church

My family and I got away this past weekend. We only left for a short "breather" as I was calling it with people who asked if it was a vacation. My vacation is coming. But not until September.

I think it is really important for someone in the ministry to completely unplug every so often. In fact, I heard a good outline on this recently that I think I will be using in an upcoming message. But here it is...

Divert Daily. Take mini-vacations. Daydream a little during the day. Don't be so "on" 100% of the time. It isn't good for anyone to be that way. Joke with other staff members. Leave the office for a while...but divert daily.

Withdraw Weekly. Take a Sabbath every week. Unplug your phones and just be at home with your family. You need it. You can't always stay connected. You need to be away from the pull of the church at times.

I have found that Saturday is a good day for me. But so many ministry things can even erode into my Saturday. I try to guard as much of it as I can.

Go AWOL Annually. Take a big family trip once a year. You don't have to spend a bunch of money to do this but it is sooo very important for you and your family. This kind of re-charge will be just what you need to keep going.

I'm no expert, but I have been at The Fort for over eight years and I know these three points are an integral part to longevity in ministry.

I'm wondering if anyone else has ideas for how you get the recharge and rest you need?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Lessons from a dirty car

It snowed here. In fact we got close to six inches in this last snowfall. As I drive around I see all these dirty cars, but every once in a while, one will drive by that has obviously very recently been at the car wash.

What I know about this person is that it will not be long before their car is going to be in need of another washing. In fact, during this season and in these weather conditions, you will need to be cleaning your car regularly if you intend to have it look nice.

What happens for most people though is they just give up the fight. It is too expensive, too time-consuming and too much effort to continually keep washing your vehicle when it is like this. And that is why it is only about every 8th or 9th car you see that will actually be clean.

There is an interesting verse in Ephesians 5...verse 18, Paul says, "And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit" (ESV)

The word used in that text translated "be filled" is the Greek word "pleeroústhe" which carries with it an interesting idea. This is a word in Greek that is present tense...which denotes it is an on-going action. So being filled...happens not just once, but all the time.

If I am going to be filled with God's presence, then it is an action that is continual, on-going. It takes effot, it takes time, it is expensive even. In fact, washing your car is a lot like this.

Sometimes we go through seasons in our lives where we really don't need to worry about washing the car. The weather is decent, we are mindful of puddles when we drive and our car stays relatively clean with little maintenance on our part.

But other seasons, like winter, are horrible for trying to keep your car clean. It is seemingly a losing battle at times.

That's life. There are times when staying close to God is easy as pie. It is like driving on a sunny day. There's nothing too hard with being close to Him. There are other times though, when the storms of life hit and staying close to God (washing our car) is the last thing we want to do. Why even try? It is too much work, takes too much time and is too costly to me personally.

That word, "pleeroústhe" carries with it the idea of a sponge being immersed into a bucket of water. While the sponge is in the water, it is completely filled but the moment you take it out, it starts to lose the water. The only way for the sponge to stay filled all the time is to stay in the bucket...but what good is a sponge that stays in a bucket full of water.

It is only when it is being used to wash something else that the sponge really serves it's purpose.

We are like the sponge. When we are completely immersed in God's presence and His Word then we are "filled with His Spirit." But the moment we are removed from those arenas, we are losing the source which fills us up.

But we have to, to be useful, be out of those arenas from time to time. Bottom line...it takes energy, effort and personal cost to keep yourself filled with His presence. It is a lot like trying to keep your car clean in the dead of winter!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Videos in Preaching

In our Saturday morning leadership group, we heard in one of the videos we watched with Rick Warren where he shared the importance of doing a testimony almost every week in preaching. From that we decided to do them in video format. We have done only a few so far. Our goal is to do about one every sermon series. (And being that a sermon series for me can range from 4 weeks to 6 weeks on average - this isn't a big bite to chew).

Take a look at our most recent example. We used this video during the Greater Than series I preached back in January 2007.

A lot of guys are going to sites and purchasing videos to be used, and this is okay. Sites like sermonspice.com or worshiphousemedia.com are great resources for this kind of thing. The upside to this is you get a very polished video and it is ready to use. The downside is that it limits your creativity.

When you use people from your own congregation, you automatically engage your church with the video. I think I prefer in-house videos (even though it is much more time consuming and taxing on your resources) the end result is a good feeling and more people are engaged in ministry...which is always a plus!

Monday, February 12, 2007


It is a strange thing when problems occur in the church. The dynamic most of us deal with is keeping them in perspective. What is at the heart of the issue? What I have come to learn when people become upset over something in the church, it is rarely the thing they are upset about that happens to be the real issue. The real culprit is more sinister.

It lies, typically, in emotions and relationships. And it manifests itself in a physically peripheral thing. We like it that way, I suppose. Because when we have a tangible thing that we can be upset over, it is more easily handled than emotive issues and relationship issues.

I know this too, that when things seem to be going well...if you are in church work...then watch out...because it won't be long before they are not. Trials are always just around the bend. What we face can make us better or bitter...the choice is ours.

And being in ministry, you have to take a few things to heart. Scripture does give us help on these kinds of things. First, when someone is upset with something or maybe even upset with you, then you need to remember James' words...

James 1:2
Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides.
(from THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language © 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson. All rights reserved.)

Who we wrestle with is not the issue...it is what we wrestle with that is the real issue. And if you are undergoing something where you are...know that Christ will walk you through it, whatever it may be!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Last Sin Eater

I took our youth group today to go see this new show put out by Fox Faith. All I have to say is, "Wow! What a show!" It was a great story and a breath of fresh air for hollywood films these days. Go see this movie. Take your family, take a church group, take your small group, whatever but go see it.

I think it is very imporant that we get behind films like this when they get into the theaters. Let's support it financially and help make it better.

If you have seen "Facing the Giants" then you'll love this film too. It is a great story.

Also, on another note, we taped our first episode of "Ask the Pastor" and got it up on our web site. If you want to listen, follow this link:


Let us know what you think. E-mail the show at askthepastor@godsfort.org

Have a great time in worship Sunday!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

A Follow-Up

Well, I have already had two Mondays this week and I didn't need another one. I got up this morning and came in to the office and had a message that our server was not acting right. Well, it had this message on it: Operating System Not Found.

Of all the error messages you can get, this one is really bad. Long story short...it was actually quite an easy fix. Thankfully. And I sincerely want to say thanks to my two main guys again. We need a disaster recovery plan enabled now.

But I thought it was quite humorous after posting my first post on my new blog about how awesome our web ministry is and how it is so cool. God kind of reminded me this morning...He can take it all away. It has to be all about Him, all for Him, and all because of Him.

That way if we have a server that blows up...I won't have to worry about how am I going to get through this and not cuss...because it is God's server, not ours.

Another interesting thing happened last night as I was leading discussion with our Jr. Highers. My oldest son is in that group. We were talking about people that the world holds up as being like a god in our culture. They answered things like, movie stars, and rich people.

But my son spoke up and said...pastors. I was a little taken aback but I had him explain. And he didn't elaborate a whole lot. He told me later after youth group, on the way home, that he was thinking about people in mega churches and the like who seem a lot like a rock star in some ways and that people really idolize them.

But it was just another little reminder moment for me from God that I am not all that. My son did not intend to dis his dad but it just got me thinking.

Pride can creep into our lives very subtly and very gradually. We can begin to think of ourselves in positions higher than we actually are.

Proverbs 11:2 says, "When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom." (NIV)

I want to be humble and I want to be wise! Most of all I want my sons to see me as not a perfect dad, but as a good example to them of what it means to follow Jesus. This coming Sunday I preach on business and schedules. My church may think that the sermon is for them...but it is really for me first and foremost. I never want to become so busy that my sons are not first in my life.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Our church , my passions and our growing web ministry...

I have been wanting to have a place to have an on-going dialogue about life, leadership and other issues. Being a pastor is challenging and fun and draining and exciting and awful and awesome all at the same time. I think that the coolest part of it is that I simply get to be friends with people and share with them the only thing that really matters in life - a relationship with Jesus!

I don't want this to seem pretentious. But I have been reading other's blogs and have really been fed by them and maybe just maybe I might say something halfway interesting every once in a while.

Probably to begin, let me say why I do this. Why I preach. I can't do anything else is the answer. That isn't because I don't have skills in other areas of life. I could always flip a burger somewhere. But I really believe in this. I really know God wants to use me...and more than that I desperately want to be used by God.

At The Fort, where I preach, I have been there for over 8 years and there have been a few times in that length of time that I have thought about throwing in the towel and looking for another church. But I know, I know, I know that God is doing a great work at The Fort! I believe it with all my heart.

I believe that The Fort is going to become a one of the premeire churches in Des Moines, Iowa. I believe that our congregation has the power to impact more lives for Christ than most churches. We already are, for crying out loud. Our web ministry is exploding...and I believe it is a total God thing.

We started with a half-way decent web site and kept adding little features to it. And it used to be hosted by some dear friends in another state. But now our web site, which we host on our own, is growing and growing.

Our vision for it has evolved as well. We don't want a static site that just lists information. We want a dynamic site that offers tons of resources to the visitor. A place where the visitor can come and really be "fed".

Our forums section is really taking off...which is cool. But the ability to download podcasts of the messages is a great tool for the web site. Now we have a growing video ministry where we are putting those videos on Youtube and then embedding them on our site. That is very cool.

A couple of cool newer features that will be coming very soon are a new podcast entitled: Ask The Pastor. This will be a weekly show where we deal with a variety of questions in about 10-15 minutes. It will be a lot of fun and hopefully very informative.

Also we are going to be adding soon a whole other section to our web site entitled: Godspace. It will mirror what Myspace is and will be targeting our teens but will really be for anyone to use. It is going to be a safe place for Christians to create and make their own "Space" on the net through our web site. I am really excited about this and think that it has a lot of potential for our whole web ministry to just continue to expand into new directions!

I guess while listing these things, it hit me that it would be easy to interpret that these things are cool and I might like all of them because it is new and edgy but I want you to hear my heart too. It's about people. It's about people using our web site and it's resources to help them be drawn closer to Jesus. And maybe even drawn closer to other Christians (and yes, that can happen even in a virtual environment).

So bottom line for me...our web ministry is doing something that our Sunday morning ministry cannot. We are reaching around the globe and really helping people know Jesus better. And that is absolutely awesome.

There are a couple of guys in our church that are heroes in this realm too. And I want both of those guys to know that I not only love them for what they do but I respect them more than they could possibly know. So thanks to them!